Took long enough, but baby is FINALLY the size of my favorite vegetable: Butternut Squash!
Also, I’m two-thirds of the way through this pregnancy which is simply amazing to me. Time flies, and it won’t slow down when she’s born. The baby has been moving SO MUCH, which has been the most fun part of pregnancy so far. It’s not as much fun when she moves all night but who could complain!? You have a healthy, active baby who is cooking. I’m just happy she is still in there, as with last week’s post I highlighted that one of my friends did have her baby at the end of 25 weeks, which was scary, but thankfully he is doing just great. I think the scariest thing during pregnancy is the possibility of a premature birth where baby is just not ready to come out, but comes anyway so every week is another week to celebrate!
I’m still energetic despite flirting with the 3rd trimester, so I’m going to count my blessings and do as much as I can while I have the energy I have right now. I’m also progressing with my Bradley Method of Natural Birth classes which have been great and empowering winecoach and I with birthing knowledge. If you want a natural birth and want your husband/partner to be as involved as possible in it, this one is for you. Make sure your husband/partner are also willing, because this is shared responsibility between the two of you. Since it is a husband as a “coach”, approach, it needs to be treated as such, and both parties must be willing to “be fully there”, physically and mentally. I definitely recommend the classes for those husbands who want to be involved every step of the way because it basically turns them into a doula. We didn’t think it would be up our alley, but we are learning so much as first time “parents”, that I really wouldn’t have it any other way.
- Challenges this week: Sleeping. As I flirt with the 3rd trimester I finally started experiencing what all the literature refers to as pregnancy insomnia. There is so much movement going on that it is difficult to fall asleep, even if you want to. It’s difficult to find a position and stay in it. I need to remind myself that I’m currently rented space, and have no say on what the tenant is doing! I try to talk to Ms. Kicky all night, and hope my voice calms her down. Perhaps I will start drinking some herbal tea and see if she takes to that!
Still experiencing some shortness of breath, especially when I’m walking too fast. with simple activities. I can tell my lung capacity is decreased because obviously the baby is growing, putting pressure on my rib cage. This means I want to be just as agile as before but I easily get “winded” and run out of breath often, especially with stairs, or going a bit faster than usual. Definitely need to continue on with my endurance training, I know it will help as continue to grow.
Realization….that I’m coming up on my last leg of this pregnancy! Note to self: Enjoy every second, because it goes by too fast!
- Cravings: I’m back to Nutella. Every night, a spoonful. I can’ t help myself. I don’t know what else to do but to eat it!#SorryNOTSorry? It’s basically the only unhealthy thing I’ve been doing all week.
- Aversions: Nothing! Feeling blessed.
- Mood: Only one episode of calm crying. That’s when you curl up into a ball (I did this on my husband’s lap) and cry for no reason, or for an exaggerated response to something that happened and you just can’t handle yourself like you used to. It’s OK, it will pass, just let the tears roll. Only one of those this week, so not bad.
- Ultrasound and Baby’s sex: Ms. Kicky is still a missy! No ultrasounds this week.
- Movement and Positioning: The movement is definitely more apparent! She moves alot, tosses and turns all night! It’s some kind of amazing. Winecoach snores and I just turn on my back, on my sides. One of these nights I got 3 hours of sleep. Oh well…. I do love it when she moves. It’s an amazing feeling. I just wish I got more sleep.
- Weight gain: Gaining 1-2 lbs a week, pretty steadily. This week 23-24 lbs up from my initial weight and feeling pretty good. The weight is mainly in my belly and I waddle everywhere. It’s kinda funny because other people started noticing as well. I wear a maternity uniform to work so it took a while for people to notice, but it’s finally out there in their face.
- Nursery and registry: I started getting some gifts in the mail! I’m having a baby shower in NJ (where I’m from) next month, so my friends have already started sending me gifts for Ms. Kicky! I’m with Babies R Us and Buy Buy Baby, and they are consolidated on The Bump. This is all materializing so fast!
- Names: We may have a name….may…
- Midwife or OB: This week I was scheduled to see an OBGYN, as a transfer from my midwife due to travel purposes. It ended up being the biggest nightmare! You DEFINITELY want to read THIS, especially if you’re also pro-natural birth. As a result from that horror story, I am going back to see my midwife and continue with my preparations to deliver naturally.
- Aches and pains: My back will ache from time to time, especially if I stand or walk for a long period of time. This is normal, I feel much better after stretching. Click HERE for my favorite stretches. I also enjoy Prenatal yoga.
- Sleep: I’ve been having some serious trouble with sleeping, only because I’ve been doing pretty good until now. I know it won’t get easier, but the baby is moving and I’m happy about that! Chamomile tea, I need to go get me some of that to calm miss kicky down.
- Currently wearing: Still in my dresses. It’s a very warm September in Oklahoma and I can still fit into those stretchy dresses and my maxis, especially the ones from my Ana Sandee Collection with TopglamBoutique!
- Traveling – Enjoyed the weekend with winecoach at home this weekend! Had a fun Saturday night with new friends and a visit to the OKC wine cellar! Was absolutely fantastic. Obviously, I’m not drinking right now, but En Croute Fromagerie made a cheese pairing that was perfection. Then we ended dinner at Cheevers, which is an awesome restaurant.

Then relaxed the rest of the weekend and took pictures with the butternut squash on Sunday! Haha….Wonderful! Next week will be traveling again because well, time is running out, and soon I won’t be able to fly anymore because of Baby Sandee!
Thank you for following my journey! Please leave me comments below with any tips for the upcoming months as baby continues to grow, I LOVE to hear about your own experiences with pregnancy, with labor and how you prepared for it, especially if you have any tips on how to achieve a natural birth.
I want to thank my friends again, for all the help with the registry! Please have a peak and leave me your comments on anything else that is crucially necessary for baby’s arrival because I’m still clueless. Don’t forget to follow @ColorfulPregnancy on Instagram for my nutrition tips during pregnancy!
Xo, Ana
Count Colors, NOT Calories!
Color your Plate, Color your Life.
Instagram: @ColorfulFoodie
Instagram: @BrazilianFusion
Facebook: The Colorful Foodie
Twitter: @AnaSandee
Youtube: Colorful Foodie
Pinterest: Colorful Foodie
SNAPCHAT: AnaSandee – I will continue to snap and cook so get the recipes in real time before they make it to the blog! Of course I’ll also be sharing some more awesome things about the pregnancy and my adventures as I learn them! Videos stay up for 24 hours.
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