- I’m Ana, the creator of Colorful Foodie! I have a full time professional career linked to health promotion, physical rehabilitation and wellness along with a burning passion for creating healthy colorful foods and sharing it with the world! The funny thing is this passion didn’t come to fruition until after getting married and teaching myself to cook.I discovered a whole different outlet and got better at it day by day. I started logging my recipes for myself, so I wouldn’t forget how exactly these recipes were coming to life.
- In short, I wanted to be able to recreate my recipes because I thought for sure I’d forget how I initially thought of them, and soon enough Colorful Foodie was born. I love sharing my passion for food and “healthifying” it in a pleasurable, yet functional way that can be enjoyed on a daily basis because I don’t see this as diet food, I see this as food for life food.
- For these reasons, I have become a professional Foodie with a relatively new found love and passion for healthy eating, cooking and creating! Since then, I’ve also decided to merge both my passions, “food and traveling” because inspiration! I have an unlimited curiosity for what the world has to offer as far as culture, traditions and experiences, so I aspire to travel the world and learn from each person I come in contact with, personally or virtually to continue creating and inspiring myself and others!
- In a nutshell, I’m Career woman, Health Advocate, Concerned Citizen, Health and Wellness Promoter, Relentless Positive, Fitness Enthusiast, and Life lover! A dreamer aiming high at providing inspiration for positive behavior change through unraveling the possibilities of:
- Adapting to a new and healthier lifestyle.
- Discovering a FUN and positive outlook in life while achieving it, and exploring to find constant inspiration.
- I’m a firm believer Happiness is only achieved from the inside out, and it is a way of life; Not just another fad diet or miracle drug. Think of your body as a machine, much like a car that needs constant maintenance to operate at its highest level. With that in mind, it becomes easy to understand that treating our bodies well, using high quality whole foods as “fuel” and nourishment (with a fun twist, which is the entire purpose of this very page) allowing it to move in a purposeful manner, will in turn help it to achieve balance from the inside out.
- I believe in listening to our bodies! Believe me, it will tell you it needs more sleep, food, activity. It’s not about starvation at all! Listening to my body is a personal challenge for me as well. I am, as we all are, a work in progress, working on becoming a better version of myself EVERY single day. I believe we are in competition with oursevels, and if you want to compete with anyone else, make sure it is only to improve on who you are!
- Life happens quickly, and you only live once. I was clueless, did not know how to boil water – Seriously! I grew up with an over protective mother who was scared I would burn myself and didn’t let me near a stove, so I thought I just didn’t belong in the kitchen. I had no idea I would have any affinity for any of this, but at some point, as I continued to explore, I developed and will continue to develop from here on out. Trust me, If I can do it, you can do it too, and it’s almost surreal as I sit here writing all this to you.
- I never thought I’d become a “home chef”, much less a food blogger, YouTuber or reach any popularity on social media through cooking. I feel blessed to be able to share all of this with you all, and if I can reach you and make a positive impact to improve your life (as many of you have told me I have), then it is very well worth it! That truly fulfills me! I now invite you to visit my feed on Colorful Foodie where you’ll get a better feel for what I’m about. All dishes and recipes are developed by me, as well as the photography.
- I have a lot of love for fellow foodies and all of you! I also have a Facebook page, The Colorful Foodie, so check me out there and give it a like when you get a chance! Brazilian Fusion is my Instagram page devoted to healthier versions of Brazilian Cuisine. I am a proud Brazilian American and also plan to healhify the delicious foods my birth country has to offer. I’m particularly enamored by Brazilian Fusion because there, I get to display my roots and Brazilian cuisine at a different light!

- I get my inspiration from traveling, my cultural background and the wonderful people I interact with daily, on and offline. I am blessed to have an amazing family and a great group of friends and colleagues. I am fortunate to have a supportive and caring husband Erwin, with whom I get to travel the world with and find inspiration for the next healthy and colorful dish, while enjoying a wine glass at a time. Erwin has inspired me to create the “Wine and Dine” Category where you can find more about the wines we are enjoying and also on his instagram page Winecoach.
- So YES, it is possible to “Eating right and exercise” without being numbed with boredom! It is a lifestyle we must embrace, along with doing things we enjoy for exercise and always listening to our bodies! As mentioned before, our bodies are machines and should be treated as such. Give it rest, sleep, and eat plenty of nutritious and delicious food! By doing that, you won’t have to count calories, count colors instead! Your gut will love you for that. I am a movement specialist, exercise enthusiast, passionate foodist and excited about sharing it all!
- Do what you love, eat what you love (in moderation), burn enough fuel (yes, that’s calories) to balance your food intake, sleep a little more, and have a little drink every now and then if you enjoy that! Don’t restrict yourself from life because you are only given ONE! Take deep breaths, stretch, lift weights, DANCE, hula-hoop, and take a few more steps towards a healthier, happier you. Your body will thank you!
- Trust me, I have to tell me to do these things as well! Living well is about balancing life, and we all have A LOT to juggle. Take control of yours today, be a better version of you, and join the Colorful Movement with me! Make the best choices for YOU! You are the only machine you get!
Please be patient as I continue to update my recipes on here as seen on my Instagram page @ColorfulFoodie. One day at a time, with much love!
Newest News Coming to you: We are expecting Baby Sandee to arrive mid-December to light up our lives even more! Follow the journey in preparation for this via tips and tricks to a healthy pregnancy on @colorfulpregnancy and with my current updates on the Colorful Pregnancy page here on the blog!
Xo, Ana
Count Colors, NOT Calories!
Color your Plate, Color your Life.
Instagram: @ColorfulPregnancy
Instagram: @BrazilianFusion
Facebook: The Colorful Foodie
Twitter: @AnaSandee
Youtube: Colorful Foodie
Pinterest: Colorful Foodie
SNAPCHAT: AnaSandee – I snap and cook, so follow me there to get the scoop on all the recipes before they even make it to the blog or to any of my other social media! Videos stay up for 24 hours and sometimes become YouTube videos, Yeah!
Good morning!!
In sure you get this request more often than not, but I’m a huge follower of you on Instagram and just recently started pulling recipes from your website. Is there anyway you can add Pinterest to your links at the bottom of your pages?!
Keep up the great work and sharing with the rest of us!!
Thanks Marie! Thank you so much! I have to, I have a Pinterest account and just literally haven’t had time to maintain it between all my social medial outlets but I promise when I get back from vacation I will try to be more active there!?
@Maria, you can also add the Pin it button from Pinterest and then pin any of her recipes! Hope that helps.
I need to update my Pinterest more often. That’s a fact.
Excellent content you got here! You can earn some extra cash from
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Como hago la harina de almendra, y que es el lino¿¿¿ y las demas harinas”¿¿ no son harinas comunes¿¿ puedo sustituir el lino por otra cosa¿¿¿ son increibles sus recetas . felicidades
Blanca, és almendra triturada! Puede encontrar en tiendas de salud. Gracias!?
He llegado aquí por una bonita casualidad, y quiero felicitarte por el blog tan inspirador que tienes. =)
A María! Muchas gracias! Como ha llegado aquí entonces? Quiero saberlo!???
Hello Ana! I work with a wonderful lunchbox company that promotes healthy eating habits, http://www.Bentgo.com. We’d love to work with you!
Please email me Sugar ? [email protected]
Hi Ana!! I just found you via IG and I wanted to let you know that I absolutely LOVE your blog. I normally don’t follow blogs, but as of today I am definitely going to start!! Please keep all the great information/exercises/recipes coming! My favorite health/fitness page by far!! So excited to try your stuff!
Thank you Chelsea! You inspire me to continue to share despite this insanely busy schedule! I love going this ❤️
Hi, I just came by to say that you are really amazing. Your recipes are the best (really), and I love following you on snapchat. You also look super healthy and beautiful! Keep up the good work 🙂
Thank you darling, that is so sweet! Let’s chat on snapchat!
Of course you know I looooove everything you do, I recently found you & it’s been all one handed since ?, but as I’ve said u totally inspire me but when you shared your personal story about your dad I knew it was no accident I found you, I jus want to say I’m super proud of you & for you.. Keep up the great work maybe one day our paths will cross, o and can’t wait fixin to go check out your new dress line, you rock girlie… Ttys , & God Bless in all you do, send my best wishes to your dad ?!! ❤??????
Thank you so much! This really touched my heart???
She’s amazing ! I have copied several recipes and I love them all!
Thank you sweetheart!
I have tried many recipes and non of them turned into a disaster!! they are all super YUMMY!! even my picky kids love them. Thank you for your great work and keep up the colourful yumminess!
You are so welcome darling!!! It’s really truly my pleasure, and comments like these validate it all!
Xoxo, Ana
Good morning!!! I recently started following you on SC and you are amazing. Very motivational and inspiring. My 8 year old daughter loves to watch your snaps too :)) Haven’t tried out any recipes yet but when I do (which is soon) I’ll let you know how it turned out. Have a great week!
YAY!! You made my day. I love it when kids get interested in preparing their own food!! Cheers to you And Thank you!?
I would love it if you posted your recent Colorado journey. Where you stayed, what you are, etc., it looks like something my friends and I would absolutely adore! Please share when you can!
Workin on it as we speak! Will be up this week!!
You’re always so positive and that inspires me a lot! 😀 I tried several recipes and it tasted delicious! 🙂 🙂 You’re awesome! Keep smiling! and congratulations with the baby! 😀
I just love every sentence you wrote omg God Bless
Good Morning Ana, I will try to your recipe for the butternut squash soup. I love your snapchats they always make me hungry. My husband loves the blueberry waffles in the morning we got the recipe from your site. Your a great motivator for a healthy lifestyle. Congrats to you and your hubby on this new journey with your bundle of joy on the way.