28 Weeks Pregnant!
The countdown begins!
Officially in the 3rd trimester now and well, it feels like it! Baby is the size of a spaghetti squash, which I love SO MUCH! Yes, both the baby and the veggie!
Mama feels heavy, Baby Sandee is kicking like never before! The plus side is I’m getting used to it, and although it interferes with my sleep I’ve learned to manage it. Or maybe I’m just super tired that I fall asleep anyway, eventually despite all the movement. Who knows! Lots of tossing and turning, re-positioning but learning my way with this new body. I get tired, but it’s definitely nothing like the first trimester which is a BIG plus. I just feel big and heavy, after all, I put on a good 25 lbs (on a good day). People gain more, people gain less, but added weight is always difficult on our bodies. It makes our joints hurt and we feel bloated, swollen…but then you feel one little baby kick and it makes it all worth it!
This was a good week for me though. I went back to my midwife and no longer have to deal with the OBGYN from a place I rather not mention. I will proceed with my plans to birth this baby as natural as possible. It you didn’t catch the blog post about this, please do: It is “Natural Birth -The right to choose”. It’s a very very personal post but I found that a lot of you have gone through something so similar, so that alone made it worth sharing. Winecoach and I had a good weekend! A staycation in Oklahoma City (did you catch it on Snapchat?). If you didn’t, don’t worry, blog post coming with more on that. We ate at some amazing places and had a blast exploring the city! More on the restaurants via our facebook pages: The ColorfulFoodie and Winecoach (he does the wine pairing of course). I also got an ultrasound of Baby Sandee and they told me we were at 29 weeks, which means she’s measuring about a week ahead!
- Cravings: When I’m home my main craving is Nutella. So I take one tablespoon after dinner to satisfy it. This week was funny though, I craved Brazilian food which is good because jersey is on the books for the weekend, and there I get all the Brazilian food I need and also where mom lives. All she makes is Brazilian food!
- Aversions: None! Am I home free!
- Mood: Nostalgic! Happened like twice this week. So weird. Lots of things going on….
- Ultrasound and Baby’s sex: Baby Sandee had a strong heart rate of 163 beats per minute and wasn’t so shy to show her “girl parts” to us today! We are definitely having a baby girl and her femur alone is measuring nearly 6cm which is nearly 3 inches. She will be a long one.
- Movement and Positioning: not sure this baby gets much sleep, she literally moves ALL the time. It’s incredible. And also very cool!!
- Weight gain: gained approximate 24-25 lbs now which is pretty amazing.
- Nursery and registry: Baby shower this week! This will definitely help me focus on a physical nursery. As I mentioned before, we are going through some crucial life changes which are keeping me from decorating baby’s nursery. registries are Babies R Us and Buy Buy Baby with the consolidated lists are also on The Bump.
- Names: I think we have one! Not telling yet!
- Midwife or OB: Back with my midwife and it feels so good! She’s amazing! She also had me get a pertussis shot, against the whooping cough which has made a come back in the past 4 years and can actually be quite scary for babies. I am aware vaccines are a hot item with a lot of people but with me working at a hospital and traveling the way I do, feel like it is my responsibility to maintain my immunizations. I also am still thinking about how I will address vaccine schedules but will probably be a rotation. for baby Hubby is also getting one.
- Aches and pains: Achy back, but nothing unbearable. Sore feet which were calmed by an amazing foot soak and massage at Udander Spa (see more about it below under traveling). OMG. No more pain after that, treat yourself pregos!
- Sleep: What can I say! This is tricky. Some nights are better than others, but honestly, I don’t think I’ve seen the worse of it yet! I know this is all preparation for when she debuts, and I’m ok with that. I rather her move “too much” than not at all.
- Currently Wearing: Saying goodbye to Summer with my stretchy dresses which still fit! Maternity leggings and jeggings are my friends accompanied by comfortable wife shoes! The “foot growing” is definitely a thing, so yea….rolling with that.

- Traveling – Staycation in Oklahoma City was just wonderful and relaxing. We needed this weekend “home”, but welll spent with the best service during our stay at The Skirvin Hotel (highly recommend it), dining and enjoying Oklahoma City!
Highlights for this preggo besides the amazing food about town (obvy!) was the Barre 3 class (had never experienced before) which was an amazing workout, and I might be now addicted to it, followed by a chamomile clove foot soak (I didn’t realize how much I needed this) and massage at Udander Spa.
FYI Okies (and everyone), this was probably the best prenatal massage of my life, so if you’re pregnant and live around here, GO. I WILL return before baby comes again, a promise I made to myself!
Here are also some amazing foods winecoach and I were able to enjoy together about town!
Thank you for following my journey! Please leave me comments below with any tips for the upcoming months as baby continues to grow, I LOVE to hear about your own experiences with pregnancy, with labor and how you prepared for it, especially if you have any tips on how to achieve a natural birth.
I want to thank my friends again, for all the help with the registry! Please have a peak and leave me your comments on anything else that is crucially necessary for baby’s arrival because I’m still clueless. Don’t forget to follow @ColorfulPregnancy on Instagram for my nutrition tips during pregnancy!
Xo, Ana
Count Colors, NOT Calories!
Color your Plate, Color your Life.
Instagram: @ColorfulFoodie
Instagram: @BrazilianFusion
Facebook: The Colorful Foodie
Twitter: @AnaSandee
Youtube: Colorful Foodie
Pinterest: Colorful Foodie
SNAPCHAT: AnaSandee – I will continue to snap and cook so get the recipes in real time before they make it to the blog! I’ll continue sharing more awesome things about the pregnancy and my adventures as I learn them! Videos stay up for 24 hours, so get following there!