Berries and Yogurt Brûlée:


Because sometimes you just want something that looks like dessert, tastes like dessert, but is completely healthy and GOOD for you! Yes, Healthy Dessert! Because we don’t need to gain weight just because it’s almost holiday season! That’s how I feel about my Pink Faux Creme Brulee: A healthy alternative that is equally awesome!

Berries ? and Yogurt Brûlée:


1/2 cup lowfat Greek yogurt (I like to make my own, but can use any)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract or 1/2 vanilla bean, scraped
2 cups fresh berries, I used a mix of blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries
1 tbsp granulated sugar
2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
1/2 cup granola
1 tbp honey or agave
2 tbsp of homemade granola



Two 6-8oz ramekins, kitchen blowtorch (Finally getting used to this gadget in my kitchen!)

Mix together the yogurt and vanilla in a medium bowl until combined.

Put the berries in a small saucepan with 2 tbsp water, cooking over medium heat until just softened, about 3 minutes. Add honey or agave and lemon juice.

Let cool slightly before dividing the mixture among four 8-ounce ramekins.

Sprinkle the granola evenly over the berries and top with the vanilla yogurt, filling to the top of the ramekins. Cover and place in the freezer for 5 minutes.

Remove from the freezer and sprinkle sugar over ramekins. Using a kitchen blowtorch, caramelize the sugar by slowly sweeping the flame back and forth over the surface of the yogurt. Let the sugar harden, about 2 minutes, before serving.

It did not disappoint and will make a beautiful and satisfying dessert loves! Promise!


Xoxo, Ana?


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