39 Weeks Pregnant!
1 week away from our due date and here we are! Baby is the size of a mini watermelon but I suspect a little bigger than this one! Well, it’s the middle of winter and we are a week away from Christmas, so finding Summer produce is not so easy these days, but we try! I’m feeling pretty good this week other than sleeping challenges.
I was told the baby really slows down with movement in the last few weeks but that’s not true in my baby’s case. She moves like before but so much stronger. I feel like my ribs are bruised, but no complaining here! Happy as a clam, and just can’t wait to meet baby girl!
I also think we are as ready as we will be! The nursery is ready too, and the bassinet is next to our bed. We are just waiting. When do you think she will show up?
Another very cold day when taking this picture! Mom did a good job 🙂 . I’m wearing a blanket scarf from Dress and Charm and these warm boots because they are comfy and feet feel like they’ve grown a bit.
Currently Wearing: Really loving the blanket scarves from dress and charm and started packing up on nursing bras. Fun talk huh?
TMI of the week: I’m on mucus plug watch! LOL. YES, I’m looking out for this (as well as a bloody show) but since I pee all night long, sometimes in the dark I might already have missed it. Mucus plus is a naturally forming seal along the cervix, or the opening of the uterus. When you lose it, it is a signal of early labor and time for the baby to be born, but I’ve heard cases where you can walk around for weeks having lost your mucus plug with no signs of labor! My only concern is infection since it can enter the uterus more easily without this protective layer.
I felt appropriate to share this since I wasn’t sure what it was myself when I got pregnant but it’s definitely worth knowing! As one of my good friend says, we are on “crotch watch” 2016, haha.
Old (New Symptom): Trouble sleeping was taken to the next level this week. Seriously. It’s really difficult to get into a comfortable position so pillows are my friends. My best friend is a belly wedge I got in the second trimester and has been with me since.
Highlight of this week : I finally got my Birthing center tour up, so please check it out! If you have any interest in a natural childbirth but are not sure if you want to do a home birth (in my case, because this is my first pregnancy and I don’t know what my body will be like), this is the next best thing. I was looking for a place that didn’t feel like a hospital, where I could roam around freely without being attached to too many monitors and such, so this is the perfect place for me!
I also was invited to attend a baby shower for Winecoach at his job! It was so sweet, mostly because he was so surprised!! It was a pot luck with cake and presents, just for him (us)! Priceless look on his face. We feel quite welcome here!
Exercise: Back to walking (on treadmill when it’s too cold), and outside when the weather is manageable. Doing squats and ball exercises and short prenatal yoga videos of about 15 minutes. I’m feeling pretty good but I do get some sciatica sensations on my left buttock and this definitely helps.
Cravings: The other day I craved Capt’ Crunch cereal! How funny is that? I used to eat it when I was a kid. Sensation went away eventually but I thought that was funny. I eat oatmeal with fruit everyday out of joy, not cravings. I quite enjoy it and it keeps me so full, ha!
Aversions: Still doing good, and I think what really has helped me along this pregnancy was enjoying tummy drops which are all natural hard candies that are not only great for morning sickness but also for upset tummies and nausea which is mostly what I had earlier on.
Mood: Very good compared to 38 weeks. I think the move really messed with me but now I’m getting acquainted to the new house as we’ve been here 3 weeks and everything is slowly falling into place.
Ultrasound and Baby’s Sex: Baby measuring exactly where she should be! 39 weeks, head down, heart rate in the 140’s. What else can I ask for! I was told she’s ready to go and will come in time.
Movement and Positioning: Head down and growing. So strong and moves with a purpose. She’s definitely mine and my insides hurt. Mostly ribs.
Weight gain: Pretty stagnant. I haven’t really gained any weight and it is stable just under 35lbs give or take depending on what time of the day you weigh me. I feel good but my legs do get very fatigued and easily.
Also, now I can use my belly as a solid table.
Nursery and registry: It’s ready! Everything is in place and am excited to share it with you all! One more finishing touch! We received so much love from friends, family and even followers! All from our registries with Babies R Us and Buy Buy Baby (consolidated on The Bump) that I’m trying to figure out what I have doubles and triples of right now! Need to exchange some stuff and get ready to acquire things I didn’t think I needed.
Names: We will be sharing her name as soon as she’s born!
Midwife or OB: Miss my Oklahoma midwife but so excited because my new midwives also rock. I’ve been quite lucky with my providers during this pregnancy (with the exception of that OBGYN from hell that inspired me to write the Natural Labor – The Right to Choose blog post which I encourage you to read if you have any interest at all in natural childbirth.
Aches and pains: Oh my ribs…oh my left booty. Internal kicks and sciatica signs….wearing belly support like this belly bandit upsie band sure helps, especially for long walks or trips to the department store with my mom!! (If you watch my snap you know what I’m talking about!)
Sleep: This is how I (attempt to) sleep now. There is barely room for winecoach in bed.
Traveling – Even walking up and down the isles of a department store makes me tired these days. Needless to say, traveling is a no-go till my belly is semi-back to normal and I’ll be food instead of house. Come on Baby Sandee!

Best part of my day: lying in bed with winecoach and getting my belly rubbed down with oil. It’s such an amazing thing to share….plus keeps my belly skin nice and smooth!
I want to thank my friends, family and even some of you beautiful followers, for all the help with the registry and gifts you’ve sent to Baby Sandee! I’m still taking suggestions on the best products and “gear” needed to keep a newborn alive and well, so please leave me your comments on anything else that is crucially necessary for baby’s arrival because I AM still clueless. I feel clueless anyway….Don’t forget to follow @ColorfulPregnancy on Instagram for my nutrition tips during pregnancy!
Xo, Ana
Count Colors, NOT Calories!
Color your Plate, Color your Life.
Instagram: @ColorfulFoodie
Instagram: @BrazilianFusion
Facebook: The Colorful Foodie
Twitter: @AnaSandee
Youtube: Colorful Foodie
Pinterest: Colorful Foodie
SNAPCHAT: AnaSandee – I will continue to snap and cook so get the recipes in real time before they make it to the blog! I’ll continue sharing more awesome things about the pregnancy and my adventures as I learn them! Videos stay up for 24 hours, so get following there!
Hi Ana!
Love, love your page!!
What was the name brand of the kit you got to take care of you for the after birth? I saw it on your snapchap and i think it was like an oil and some teas…. My sister in law is also pregnant with her first baby and i would like to get it for her.
Thank you!!!
Post partum kit by earth mama baby angel!! I will be posting about it here soon! Xoxo
Thank you so much!!! Xoxo
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