38 Weeks Pregnant!
We’re doing well! 2 weeks left of this (or a little more, or a little less), but supposedly 2 more weeks and I can feel it! Part of me hopes she stays in a little longer so I can enjoy the belly for some more time. The things I enjoy the most are feeling her move (when it doesn’t hurt or prevents me from eating because she balls up on top of my stomach), but when she hiccups it’s just so sweet. I love that! I enjoy the nightly belly rubs from winecoach with vitamin E (maybe I can make him keep doing that?), and just wondering what her little face looks like.
The truth is I still don’t feel like we have everything completely ready for her arrival, but yesterday winecoach said something that made me thing. How much more ready do you think you’ll be in 2 weeks? Honestly, I don’t have the answer, because it probably won’t change, but…we are still putting the house together. I have a plethora of workers coming in and out all day, everyday. We’re talking painter, carpet cleaner, law mower guy, contractors, the works! I don’t know, I just don’t feel ready yet, but I guess ready or not, she’s coming, so….we will just have to deal! She’s the size of a stalk or rhubarb this week, or the size of collard leaves which I could actually find, so here it is. It was so brutally cold no dress could withstand being outside holding it, so I’m wearing a poncho scarf from Dress and Charm and it’s keeping me nice and warm out here.
This week we also put up our Christmas tree (the tail end of my father-in-law’s week with us) and had a photoshoot at the new house which has the most amazing backyard!

Will be sharing more photos on a dedicated post because the pictures are just SO GORGEOUS! I’m so happy to have found Lawrence Bryant (LB) on my event out here, at the Four Seasons St. Louis last week and was pleased to find out he also did maternity shoots. This guy does EVERYTHING, so I couldn’t resist, since I still had 2 dresses to photograph in from Sew Trendy Accessories.
TMI of the week: YES, this IS TMI, but hey, that’s the title in the bullet! I did wax myself this week, all on my own!! Whaaaaat!? I’ve been doing this since I was a teenager but did not think I’d be able to give myself a full wax job this late in the game at 9 1/2 months pregnant! *Highfives Self*, sorry NOT sorry for the TMI! Ha! Plus the nether regions are going to be getting a lot of attention in the next few weeks, so yes, I am prepared!Bring it on baby! hehe….
Old (New Symptom): Trouble eating my meal in a timely manner because baby is getting so big she now sits right on my stomach making my belly turn into a table! It’s kind of hilarious, except when I’m really really hungry! Sleeping is getting more and more difficult and I find that the recliner is the most comfortable place to be, so I may or may not have ran away from the bed a couple of times to take a nap on it.
Highlight of this week : Definitely the photoshoot with LB! You can’t tell but it was 29F degrees outside. YIKES! I have to pat myself in the back for standing out there for the perfect shot, haha….it was fun though, and wasn’t that bad when the sun was on me!
Exercise: Not going to lie to you guys, I’ve been exhausted. Doing anything for more than 5-10 minutes requires a break, and yes that’s including cooking. I can’t go walking because it’s been so cold. Next week I definitely have to, because we need to stimulate this little girl to come out!
Cravings: not really crazy cravings ….just trying to eat some spicy food, a ton of dates and my raspberry leaf tea! My mom however makes rice and beans almost daily, and Brazilian food is more and more common at the house these days which is Just great!
Mood: better this week. Last week was an emotional one, at least that one day (for those of you who follow on Snapchat – AnaSandee you know what I’m talking about) . This week has been much better and my hormones were more level.
Ultrasound and Baby’s Sex: weekly visits now! Loving my new midwife and baby is progressing very well, growing like she’s supposed to! We listen to her heart rate every week and it’s always strong, in the high 140s-low 150’s.
Movement and Positioning: Head down, wiggling booty that is sometimes on the right and sometimes on the left but now just feels like it’s mostly in the middle. This baby is so strong! It’s amazing….
Weight gain: hasn’t really changed this week, about 33-34lbs weight gain but they always weight me with 8-10lbs worth of clothes on so….seems like I’m 40lbs over which is also ok!
Nursery and registry: literally only needing final touches! Winecoach did the last little bit of putting the rest of the furniture together! I got baby Sandee a little rocking chair this week, and now just waiting for mommy’s glider. Also have my bassinet all set up and next to our bed. It’s getting real!
I have to figure out the things I got 2 or more of from registries with Babies R Us and Buy Buy Baby (consolidated on The Bump) and exchange for anything that is missing, or diapers! Apparently we need ALOT of those!
Names: We will be sharing her name as soon as she’s born!
Midwife or OB: Midwives are amazing. She explained in this visit that if I don’t deliver by the week after Christmas (which will be 41 weeks) I go back for an ultrasound and non-stress test to learn if baby is in any distress and if my amniotic fluid levels are good. Sounds good to me! They still only check the cervix at that point if I want to. This is the whole point of a natural child birth: allowing your body to do it all, and that’s my plan. I hope it works!
Aches and pains: this baby is so strong! I just can’t believe how strong she is, truly amazing. It’s definitely uncomfortable but I’m not in any pain. It’s really all worth it.
Currently Wearing: Really loving my blanket scarves from dress and charm, but it’s cold, I have a Christmas tree so I’ve been cozying up on my couch with my mermaid tail blanket while waiting for my little princess to arrive so I can put her in her little mermaid tail!
Mermaid tail blankets (adult and mini) by dress and charm. Can’t wait to get her in hers!
Sleep: Check out the pillows. Enough said!
Traveling – The extent of my traveling is to the birthing center for my weekly visits to the midwife! Remember how exciting my life was? Haha….just kidding, I really can’t complain. Life is every changing, and I love it!
I want to thank my friends, family and even some of you beautiful followers, for all the help with the registry and gifts you’ve sent to Baby Sandee! I’m still taking suggestions on the best products and “gear” needed to keep a newborn alive and well, so please leave me your comments on anything else that is crucially necessary for baby’s arrival because I AM still clueless. I feel clueless anyway….Don’t forget to follow @ColorfulPregnancy on Instagram for my nutrition tips during pregnancy!
Xo, Ana
Count Colors, NOT Calories!
Color your Plate, Color your Life.
Instagram: @ColorfulFoodie
Instagram: @BrazilianFusion
Facebook: The Colorful Foodie
Twitter: @AnaSandee
Youtube: Colorful Foodie
Pinterest: Colorful Foodie
SNAPCHAT: AnaSandee – I will continue to snap and cook so get the recipes in real time before they make it to the blog! I’ll continue sharing more awesome things about the pregnancy and my adventures as I learn them! Videos stay up for 24 hours, so get following there!
You are amazing for not only waxing yourself but handling the pain. I tried before my babymoon and I could not handle the pain. Mind you I get them on a regular bases.
Walking is hard with the crazy cold weather. I just walk around Target and always walk out with something I didn’t need.
I encourage you to exchange the things you don’t need asap. Then if you need anything you’ll have the gift card to use on whatever. For me I had friends and siblings running errands so gift cards were easier then writing checks or trying to remember who I owe.
That makes sense!!! Thank you so much for your input!! I will do it this week, hopefully I still have time! Ha! And the waxing, it is painful but I needed it!! Hopefully she comes soon and not in like 2-3 weeks when stuff starts growing back because I probably won’t do it again for a while! Lol
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