Doce de Leite de Amendoas
A dairy And fat free treat to eat by the spoon, spread or top any dessert with massive awesomeness as you would with regular #DulceDeLeche! Originally from our hermanos in Argentina, “Doce de Leite” is very popular in Brazil! We put it on everything or eat it with a spoon. there are many styles and types of doce de leite, this one is the creamy version as seen in the picture.
Here is the thing…it’s going to be a while, so make it on a Sunday afternoon when you’re home anyway, relaxing. You don’t have to babysit it but you do have to pay attention so it doesn’t burn! this one is for those of us looking for lower fat and sugar content or those who have a lactose allergy. How to make it:
Almond Dulce de Leche aka “Doce de Leite de amêndoa”
1 gallon Almond milk (store bought or home made)
1 cup brown sugar or 1/2 cup of stevia in the raw
Fusion Secret: Alternative to using sugar: I use honey alot in my cooking, so when my large pots of honey are through, I milk to them and they are pleasantly and naturally sweetened by the honey. Win win situation:
Slowing simmer the milk and sugar over medium heat in a sauce pan until it thickens to dulce de leche consistency. That’s basically it. For a gallon, it will take approximately 2.5-3 hours.
Like I said, you won’t have to stir the whole time but you’ll have to be around and give it a stir every few minutes. Store it I’m a Mason jar and let it cool. Refrigerate after a few days (if it lasts!) it will make about 12-16oz and It is well worth it. I hope you try!
Xoxo, Ana?⠀
Count Colors, Not Calories!?
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